The EO Wordsearch

Word Search Game

Grab a coffee, take 5 minutes to yourself and play the
Quarry One Eleven Earth Observation Wordsearch by dragging
over the letters of the words you find from the list below:

  • Albedo
  • Climate
  • Geostationary
  • Landcover
  • Satellite
  • Atmosphere
  • Copernicus
  • LEO
  • Spatial
  • Backscatter
  • Data
  • Biomass
  • Passive
  • Temporal
  • Imagery
  • Radar
  • Ndvi
  • Lidar

Due to the space available on a mobile screen we have only made the wordsearch game available on desktop screens.

Glossary of Terms

A lot of industry jargon can be confusing so to help a little we have explained some of the words we have used in the wordsearch:

Albedo measures the reflectivity of a surface i.e. how much sunlight it reflects versus absorbs. High albedo surfaces, like ice, reflect more sunlight, while low albedo surfaces, like forests, absorb more. This affects Earth’s temperature and climate, influencing global warming and energy balance.

Backscatter is the scattering of light or other radiation back toward the source. It occurs when particles or surfaces reflect incoming waves. In remote sensing and radar, backscatter provides information about surface properties and particle characteristics, aiding in weather forecasting, environmental monitoring, and scientific research.

Copernicus was a Renaissance astronomer who proposed the heliocentric model of the solar system, stating that the Earth and other planets orbit the Sun. His name also describes the Earth observation component of the European Union’s Space programme

Geostationary refers to satellites orbiting Earth at the equator’s altitude, matching Earth’s rotation. This keeps them fixed over one location, making them ideal for communication, weather monitoring, and broadcasting. Their constant position allows continuous observation and reliable signal coverage for specific regions.

Lidar (Light Detection and Ranging) uses laser pulses to measure distances by timing the reflection from a target. It creates precise, high-resolution 3D maps of surfaces, aiding in topography, forestry, urban planning, and autonomous vehicle navigation by detecting shapes and obstacles.

NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) measures vegetation health using satellite imagery. It calculates the difference between near-infrared (vegetation reflects strongly) and red light (vegetation absorbs). High NDVI values indicate healthy, dense vegetation, while low values suggest sparse or unhealthy plant cover, aiding in environmental monitoring and agriculture.

LEO (Low Earth Orbit) refers to satellite orbits relatively close to Earth, typically between 160 and 2,000 kilometers above the surface. Satellites in LEO have shorter orbital periods, ideal for Earth observation, communications, and scientific missions, providing high-resolution data and reduced signal delay.

In earth observation, temporal refers to the timing and frequency of satellite or aerial data collection. Temporal resolution indicates how often images or data are captured over a specific area. High temporal resolution allows monitoring of changes and trends in land use, vegetation, weather, and environmental events over time.